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Consumer Marketing Data, choose your perfect audience.

Welcome! Here is where you start building your list.

Welcome! Here is where you start building your list.

Remember all of the criteria below are optional. If your list needs to target a geographical area, we recommend you start with the section Geographic Criteria and select the postcodes or Counties required.

For all other selections listed under Search Criteria, click on each of the categories below to expand and view the options available.

Once you have finished building your list click GET MY COUNT to see the quantity of records available.

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Geographic Criteria

Your Search


Build your list using postcodes.

You can choose:

- Area level i.e. CT, Canterbury
- District level i.e. CT15, Dover
- Sector level i.e. CT15 5, part of Dover

Search Criteria

This is based on the individual age estimates of the head(s) of household. Where there is both a male and a female head of household, the older of the two ages is chosen. Fine is derived from person age and head of houshold.
More Than 
Less Than 
Select the estimated household income.
e.g. more than 25000
More Than 
Less Than 
Select the estimated property value.
e.g. more than: 200000.

Select properties by council tax banding.

Select by residence type. This is a household level demographic variable that identifies whether a property is terraced, semi-detached, detached, a flat or a bungalow.

You can build your audience by selecting the estimated length of time that the longest residing head of household has been at the same address.

Select a tenure status. This is a household level demographic variable that identifies whether a property is owner occupied, council/housing association or privately rented.

A set of household level demographic variables that identifies whether there are likely to be children (aged 0–17 years) in the household.

You can make a selection based on the esitimated age range of children present in the household.

A set of household level demographic variables that identifies the likely number of children in the household.

Household affluence is a variable that identifies a household's affluence based on a number of key variables. These are banded into 20 bands with band 00 being the least and band 19 the most affluent.

You can make your selection based on the type of family living at an address.

Select by households that are likely to have an older person living with other adults who act as head of household.

This is a household level variable which estimates the number of bedrooms in any given property. Number of Bedrooms also provides a useful proxy to assist in the assessment of the size of a property.

This identifies the value of the outstanding mortgage at an address. Note that this relates to a residential mortgage i.e. held by the residents of the property.

This is a household level variable that estimates the year a property was built.

This is a household level demographic variable that identifies whether there is likely to be a mains gas supply in the household. They are actual values which are available for every residential property in England, Wales and Scotland.

This is derived from the person level directorships variable and identifies households where there is at least one company director.

Select households that have or do not have shares.
Financial Strategy Segments (FSS 4) is a person and household level segmentation which provides an unrivalled depth of insight into the financial behaviours of UK consumers. It classifies all adults in the United Kingdom into: 15 household and postcode level groups (A-O), 55 household and postcode level types (A01-O55), and 135 person level types (A01a-O55b). These are distinct financial lifestyle types which comprehensively describe the underlying factors which influence consumer behaviour, such as typical financial product holdings, behaviour and future intentions, as well as summarising their key socio-economic and demographic characteristics.
Click here to download the Experian brochure showing the full list of Financial Strategy Segment V4 classifications.
Mosaic UK is a geodemographic classification that paints a rich picture of UK consumers in terms of socio-demographics, lifestyles and behaviour, and provides a detailed understanding of UK society. It is an essential tool for any organisation that wishes to understand more about UK consumers, and develop successful marketing solutions that are tailored to the needs of the UK marketplace. Mosaic UK classifies all UK consumers into 66 distinct lifestyle types and 15 groups which comprehensively describe their socio-economic and socio-cultural behaviour. Click here to download the Experian brochure for Mosaic 7.
More Than 
Less Than 
Select by the number of adults within the household.

Select to identify households containing a single parent with children.

Select by households that have a young adult living with other adults (possibly parents), who act as head of household.

This is a household level demographic variable that identifies that identifies the type of building of an address.

This is a household level demographic variable that identifies the type of person or persons who are likely to make decisions for the whole household.

Small or Home Office (sometimes referred to as a SoHo) is a household level financial variable that identifies whether one or more of the occupants of the household runs a business from home.

A household is said to be in fuel poverty when in order to heat its home to an adequate standard of warmth, more than 10% of its income is spent on fuel. Experian’s fuel poverty indicators are modelled variables that provide an indication of whether or not a household is likely to be in fuel.

You can choose the type of contact you wish to target within each household.

Record Search & Exclusions


You can choose to target one individual per household or multiple individuals at each address.