Disclaimer: This Postcode Radius Tool can be used to map out a general area from a central point. Note that this is a guide only. Selectabase does not guarantee 100% accuracy as postcode districts and mapping tools vary and are prone to change.

This is our Postcode Radius Tool. It can help you to identify the different postcode districts that fall within your catchment area.

Simply enter your full postcode and choose the radius that you would like to target. We will provide you with a full list of the postcode districts that fall within that area. This can be hugely valuable for all kinds of marketing campaigns.

Once you’ve got the list of postcodes, Selectabase can supply you with high quality business and customer data for the area, to help your campaigns be more effective. With everything from contact names, telephone numbers and more available, we have no minimum spend, so you can get exactly what you need.