Get the most out of your data

The Clean My List service helps you reduce cost and improve effectiveness of your marketing campaign by making sure your data is up-to-date. It reduces risk, and ensures compliance with new data protection (GDPR) legislation.

Clean My List provides a true one-stop-shop to fulfil all your data cleaning needs in one simple, secure, low cost exercise.

Fill in the form below and we can provide further information and quote to clean your list.

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We handle your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy

What’s new under the GDPR?

Article 5(1)(d) says:

“1. Personal data shall be:

(d) accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay (‘accuracy’)”

So, as well as the legal obligation, accurate addresses provide your business with a wide range of benefits including mailing discounts, better understanding of customers and improved customer service. By reducing the number of inaccurate addresses and duplicate records from your databases, your company can save substantial amounts of money on postage and print production as well as on the cost of undelivered mail.

Selectabase process the data under a legitimate interest of a marketing company. We have ensured that all of the requirements for legitimate interests to be used as the legal basis for processing have been met.

Under legitimate interests, our clients can utilise enhanced and cleansed data from the Selectabase Clean My List service.

Advanced Data Cleaning Services

  • Duplicates
  • Number Verification & Appending
  • Gone-Aways (consumer or business)
  • Telephone Preference Service
  • Bereavements
  • Mailing Preference Service
  • Postcode Address File (PAF)
  • Data Profiling

Keep in contact with your customers, ensure you reach those valuable new prospects and comply with the latest data protection regulations.

The Benefits of Data Enhancement

Your customer and prospect databases are your key assets.

  1. CleanClean and update names, addresses and telephone numbers.
  2. ValidateValidate individual and business contact information.
  3. SuppressIdentify individuals that cannot or will not respond to your communications.
  4. EnhanceUse additional information to provide an insight into the consumer or business.
  5. MatchAccurately identify duplicate records to reduce wasted mailing costs.

Business Data


Clean your data by getting the correct data format (telephone and postal address) and also checking against various suppresion databases.

  • Postcode Address File (PAF)
  • Telephone Number Verification and Appending – OSIS
  • Telephone Preference Service (TPS & CTPS) Processing
  • Mailing Preference Service (MPS) Processing
  • Fax Preference Service (FPS) Processing
  • Duplicate Detection (DeDupe)
  • Gone Away Processing (Flag or suppression)
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Profiling & Enrichment

Refine the information you hold to make your marketing more targeted and efficient.

  • Trading Status
  • Legal Status
  • Year of Incorporation
  • Number of Employees at Site
  • Number of Employees in Business
  • Head Office / Branch / Single Site Indicator
  • SoHo Flag
  • Turnover (Actual & Estimate, will also include an indicator flag.)
  • Activity at Site – (Directory Category Code)
  • SIC Code & Text
  • Business & Business Location URN (This can be used to identify groups of affiliated trading addresses)
  • Registered Office Location Flag
  • Premise Type
  • Parent Name & Registered Number
  • Ultimate Parent Name & Registered Number
  • Company Registration Number
  • Net Worth
  • Pre Tax Profit
  • Business Type ( limited or non – Ltd )
  • Contact Append – Names and Job Titles/Functions
  • Contact Verification – Job Title/Function
  • Profit/Loss
  • Commercial MOSAIC
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Consumer Data

General Data Cleaning

  • Postcode Address File (PAF)
  • Telephone Number Verification and Appending – OSIS

What are the rules on making live calls to the numbers appended?

The rules on live marketing calls are in regulation 21. In short, you must not make unsolicited live calls to:

– anyone who has told you they don’t want your calls; or
– any number registered with the TPS or CTPS, unless the person has specifically consented to your calls – even if they are an existing customer.

You must always say who is calling, allow your number (or an alternative contact number) to be displayed to the person receiving the call, and provide a contact address or freephone number if asked.

  • Telephone Preference Service (TPS & CTPS) Processing

See note above under Telephone Number Verification and Appending

  • Mailing Preference Service (MPS) Processing
  • Fax Preference Service (FPS) Processing
  • Duplicate Detection (DeDupe)
  • Gone Away Processing & Bereavement Processing (Flag or suppression)
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Profiling & Enrichment

Refine the information you hold to make your marketing more targeted and efficient.

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Name Verification
  • Marital Status
  • Length of Residency
  • Head of Household
  • Income
  • Directorships
  • Family Lifestage
  • Council Tax Banding
  • Surname Origin
  • Tenure
  • Financial Strategy Segments : Type
  • Financial Strategy Segments : Group
  • MOSAIC UK Type
  • MOSAIC UK Group
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