Data Tips & Tricks
Like milk, the data has a limited shelf life.
You wouldn’t buy a pint of milk and leave it on the shelf for a week would you? These prospects are hot and ready to buy, they are making decisions right now. Be first in the queue to see these new prospects before they go elsewhere. Use it or lose it!
Receive and save
Once you have downloaded your list save it with a clear file name, for example “New B2B 2017”. This will save time later when you come to follow up your initial contact with a telephone call.
Things You Should Know
When does your list become out of date?
Lists do degrade over time; people move, numbers change etc. You should use the list as soon as you receive it, that way you will maximise your opportunities.
What software application should I save my data in?
The most popular applications that people use are Microsoft Office products, Word, Excel or Access. There are other products out there but these are the most popular and widely used.
Will it take a long time to download my list?
No, it will be quite fast. These are data files rather than pictures so the overall file size is quite small.