
When Should You Use Direct Mail?

Are you sure when you should be using direct mail, or how to achieve the best results from it? Here’s some examples of when direct mail can really help drive business growth…

Use Direct Mail to Gain New Customers

New business development and customer acquisition all mean the same thing – gaining new customers for your business. And direct mail has an important role to play. Working from a profile based on your existing customers you can use direct mail to target more of the same. Or use direct mail to reach new types of customers in new areas, or launch new products or services.

Use Direct Mail to Sell More to Your Existing Customers

If you take into account the acquisition cost of gaining a new customer, it may be that you only start to turn a profit when the customer repeat orders for a second or third time. Therefore use direct mail to contact existing customers and sell them product replenishment, upsell to larger purchases, try new products, or get repeat purchases.

Use Direct Mail to Keep Your Customers for Longer

Direct mail doesn’t always have to generate a sale. It can also be used to speak with your existing customers more often and build a closer relationship with them. They’ll be less likely to defect to the competition, and more likely to become an advocate for your brand. Direct mail campaigns of this type often use newsletters, vouchers or third party offers to add value.

Use Direct Mail to Cut Out the Middle Man

If you are in a market where you’re reliant on a middleman or intermediary, then direct mail can often be used to target the end user directly. Because it is aimed at the individual, mailings can be sent straight to the people you want. And because direct mail is low profile, it’s less likely to be seen by your distributors or competitors.

To summarise, the best time to use direct mail for your business is whenever you need to achieve measurable results and you know exactly who it is you need to speak to. If you need help and advice in using your direct mail, call the team at Selectabase now on 01304 383838.