What can Direct Marketing Learn from Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing has revolutionised marketing in recent years, what with the advent of email marketing, pay per click, social media, blogging and more. Direct marketing has been around somewhat longer, but still has a role to play in the digital world, but only if it learns some of the lessons from new media.

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Increasing Mailing Postage Costs Place Pressure on Direct Mail Effectiveness

The news that Royal Mail is set to increase business mailing costs in 2011, places renewed pressure on direct marketing campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

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Direct Marketing Tip – Identify Your Resources

When planning your direct marketing campaign, make sure you identify all the resources you will need to make it happen.

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The staying power of direct mail

It seems that trends come and go in marketing just as they do in fashion led industries.

Pre-internet, direct mail was very much the ‘enfant terrible’ of marketing, lacking the mystique of above the line advertising and rather brashly targeting the customer one to one. Far too much reliance on data and technology at the expense of high minded brand values.

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Direct Marketing Tip – Customise your Message

Direct marketing is an individually targeted marketing tool, so make the most of the opportunity it provides to talk one to one.

With advances in digital printing technology it is very quick and simple to, at the very least, produce customised sales letters for each recipient, perhaps mentioning their previous history with you or their industry in the content by using the same technique as in a mail merge.

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