How to Clean Data Collected on Your Website

Information collected on your website is far more likely to be inaccurate or go out of date quickly, so how can you keep it up to date as easily possible? The Easycheck desktop application from Selectabase helps you clean the address and telephone data you’ve collected online.

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Direct Marketing Success can be Born of Failure

In his recent book ‘Adapt’ the economist Tim Harford suggests that solutions to complex issues can only be identified if you are willing to risk failure.

Harford believes that success almost always follows a failure, so it’s better to fail early and fail small first, to avoid greater risk and safeguard growth.

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Mailings Generate Enquiries, So Handle Them Well

The Selectabase team of marketing experts spend a lot of time speaking with small businesses on the phone, following up on enquiries and introducing our services. What can prove surprising is just how poorly some businesses handle these initial enquiries.

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What Mailing Shall I Send for a Direct Mail Campaign?

If you’re planning a mailshot or direct mail campaign, just what should you actually send – a brochure, letter or postcard? Read our tips on how to decide what type of mailing to send.

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Direct Mail Advice for Beginners

New to direct marketing? Never sent a mailing before? Read some top tips from our team of direct marketing experts.

At Selectabase we deal with many small businesses such as salons and restaurants who may never have used direct mail before to promote their business. Our team of direct marketing advisors give valuable advice every day, so we thought we’d share some of their top tips with you:

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