Direct Mail Popularity Continues to Grow

According to the latest search trends from Google, interest in Direct Mail has grown to it’s highest level in 2011.

The data from Google Insights, a free tool from Google, shows UK searches for ‘direct mail’ from the start of 2006 to 2011 to date. The resulting graph shows that the second quarter of 2011 in particular saw increased interest in direct mail following a fall in searches in the second half of 2010.

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Selectabase Launch Free Trials of Prospect Download Lists

New users of Prospect Download online mailing list service from Selectabase are being offered free trials of business or consumer marketing data. Anyone creating a new online account will now receive 50 free credits to try out the Prospect Download service. The list credits can be used to source and download some sample data from the business or consumer databases, to use in a sample direct marketing campaign.

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Create and Post Mailing Service Launched by Selectabase

Selectabase have responded to customer demand by launching a new direct mail fulfilment service called Create and Post. The service aims to offer a low cost and simple way to send mailing letters to Selectabase databases or any other mailing lists.

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Time for some Summer List Cleaning

In many business sectors things can quiet down during the summer period, making it the ideal time to carry out data cleansing on your marketing lists.

Data cleansing is an important and valuable exercise. Accurate data can help improve response rates and targeting for marketing campaigns and if your business is a Data Controller you have an obligation to keep your data up to date under the Data Protection Act.

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Working out the lifetime value of a new customer

When calculating the return on investment (ROI) of a direct marketing campaign it’s important to bear in mind the lifetime value of a client, not just the initial order value.

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