Selectabase Annual Function

Some of the Selectabase staff enjoying their Segway Adventure at Leeds Castle @leedscastleuk #annualfunction

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Annual Staff Function & Training Event

The Selectabase office will be closed between 2pm and 5:30pm this Friday 17th October.

Enquiries can be sent by email to and our website will be available 24/7 for information and orders

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How digital and direct marketing can work together

Your company can use use old marketing techniques to complement the new.

If your business is a purely web based operation like an ecommerce or membership site, or your website has become the main touch point between you and your market, then its all too easy to slip into the mindset that all online marketing is new and innovative and all offline marketing is clunky, old fashioned and ineffective.

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Make New B2B part of your sales and marketing strategy

If you are looking to source new customers, you should include new and changing businesses from your local area as part of your sales and marketing strategy. New and changing businesses are a constant feature of the economic landscape. Even in difficult economic circumstances, new businesses keep starting up. They represent a valuable opportunity for suppliers of an extremely wide range of goods and services. There are many additional reasons why new start-ups can be more profitable customers for your business.

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How often should you clean your mailing lists?

We all know we have an obligation to maintain clean and accurate mailing lists.

An accurate mailing list means more of your marketing messages will reach their intended audience, and you’ll experience less wastage in your marketing spend.

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