Further GDPR news!

Rest assured!

We recently shared a couple of news stories on our social media feeds “Direct mail industry set for boom time under GDPR” and “Much needed clarity from ICO on Legitimate Interest and Direct Mail!“. These stories offer some welcome good news to all businesses and importantly our valued customers that utilise the power of direct mail.

In a new FAQ section on its website the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) confirms: “You won’t need consent for postal marketing…you can rely on legitimate interests for marketing activities if you can show how you use people’s data is proportionate, has a minimal privacy impact, and people would not be surprised or likely to object.”

This is welcome news from the ICO to finally confirm that businesses will be able to use legitimate interests, and not have to gain explicit consent under GDPR to mail individuals by post.

So rest assured the long term benefit of direct mail will continue post GDPR. We can indeed continue to help you with the supply of B2B and B2C data lists along with our hybrid mail Create & Post service – providing a truly one stop shop solution.

If you have any questions regarding this blog or would like to find out more about the services we offer, to help you with compliant direct marketing, call our friendly team on 01304 383838.