Research Illustrates the Power of Consumer Birthday Spending

The British spend an estimated £1.6 billion on celebrating birthdays according to research from Mint.

We recently came across some statistics about birthdays in the UK previously published by Mint credit cards which aptly demonstrate just why businesses should be targeting consumers on their birthday.

The birthday consumer statistics revealed that the average person spends almost £50 on their own birthdays but less on other people, at an average of just over £30 on close friends and relatives.

Almost a third of people said they used their birthday as an excuse to celebrate, which is good news for bars and restaurants. One in seven people plan their birthday party at least a month in advance. Almost a quarter of people buy a new outfit especially for their birthday.

All this adds up to great opportunities for businesses such as gift or fashion retailers, leisure businesses, bars and restaurants. And these sectors can reach local people about to celebrate a birthday using our Birthday Mailings monthly lead service.

Birthday Mailings data tells you who is about to celebrate a birthday locally at least a month in advance, just when the research shows they are planning their celebration. Also, the data puts you in contact with the person celebrating, which is the person who typically spends the most on their event!